Audio - Sermons
Preaching from the Bible alone.
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How to present the gospel in a secularized culture
Shane Millard
01/29/23 Sermon

What is Marriage?
Byron Nash
01/22/23 Sermon

Understanding the Changing Culture
Shane Millard
01/15/23 Sermon

God's Plan for Unity and Growth
Byron Nash
01/08/23 Sermon

A Key To Spiritual Success
Shane Millard
01/01/23 Sermon

The Mission: From Heaven to Earth
Shane Millard
12/25/22 Sermon

The Day The World Changed
Shane Millard
12/18/22 Sermon

The Definite Plan and Foreknowledge of God - Part 3
Byron Nash
12/11/22 Sermon

The definite plan and foreknowledge of God - Part 2
Byron Nash
12/04/22 Sermon

The definite plan and foreknowledge of God - Part 1
Byron Nash
11/27/22 Sermon

What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
Shane Millard
11/20/22 Sermon

When will these things happen?
Shane Millard
11/13/22 Sermon

Woe to Scribes and Pharisees
Byron Nash
11/06/22 Sermon

A Day of Questions
Shane Millard
10/30/22 Sermon

Many are called, but few are chosen
Shane Millard
10/23/22 Sermon

Behold Your King!
Shane Millard
10/16/22 Sermon

The Rich Young Ruler
Byron Nash
10/09/22 Sermon

Win Your Brother
Byron Nash
10/02/22 Sermon

Seeing the Glory of Jesus
Shane Millard
09/25/22 Sermon

Who do you say that I am?
Byron Nash
09/18/22 Sermon