Audio - Sermons
Preaching from the Bible alone.
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Peace Among Brethren
Bill Walton
03/30/14 Sermon

"You Are Not Doing Anything"
Jordan Shouse
03/23/14 Sermon

You Are Not Doing Anything
Jordan Shouse
03/23/14 Sermon

Peace in the Church
Bill Walton
03/16/14 Sermon

The Judgment Day
Jordan Shouse
03/09/14 Sermon

The End of Time
Jordan Shouse
03/09/14 Sermon

Making the Most of Every Moment
Jordan Shouse
02/09/14 Sermon

And If Not…
Jordan Shouse
02/02/14 Sermon

God's Expectation for Marriage
Jordan Shouse
01/19/14 Sermon

Shame: Satan's Tool of Darkness
Joel Holt
12/15/13 Sermon

Positive Preaching
Bill Walton
10/18/13 Sermon

The Kingship of Christ
Jordan Shouse
10/18/13 Sermon

Traveling Lite
Jordan Shouse
10/18/13 Sermon

Gifts to Give Our Children
Bill Walton
10/18/13 Sermon

The Selection and Work of Deacons Part 1
Bill Walton
09/09/13 Sermon

The Selection and Work of Deacons - Part 2
Jordan Shouse
09/01/13 Sermon

Choosing to be Ready for Eternity
Jordan Shouse
07/10/13 Sermon

Jordan Shouse
04/14/13 Sermon

Bloom Where You Are
Jordan Shouse
04/13/13 Sermon

Yet More and More
Bill Walton
03/03/13 Sermon